As COVID-19 becomes a virus that we learn to live with, guidelines have changed regarding the provision of online learning in the event of Covid cases. This is no longer a requirement and isolation periods for children are now reduced to 3 days. However, in the event of lockdown measures following government guidance, a remote learning plan remains in place.

Mrs Davis has responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education, including that provision meets expectations for remote education. Mr Bradbury has responsibility for monitoring the engagement of remote education and supports access through the provision of passwords and hardware, when required.

Our Remote Education Policy can be viewed on our Policies page, which can be found here.

Digital Platform

Google Classroom will be used by our teaching staff as the platform upon which to share live lessons, independent tasks, announcements/communication with their classes and to provide daily feedback.

Information on accessing education through Google Classroom will be provided, including personal login details, in the event of a lockdown.

Curriculum Offer

This curriculum offer follows the same sequence of learning as outlined in our whole school long term plans (which can be viewed on the curriculum pages of this website). However, there may be some slight adaptations in some subjects to ensure lessons can be accessed with limited equipment at home. For example, PE, Design and Technology, Art and Science will be planned with this in mind, but still ensuring that key knowledge and progression of learning is in place.

For those children in Early Years, opportunities to engage in the morning welcome and lesson starters are provided via live streaming. Access to additional tasks is provided via the assignments facility. Parent support meetings will also be offered to parents of Nursery children.

Learning opportunities available to isolating pupils include:

  • Bug Club – online reading books assigned to your child and changed online weekly – these are also logged on our GoRead app
  • Oxford Owl – online phonics books which match your child’s phonic ability
  • Purple Mash
  • Times Table Rockstars
  • Numbots
  • Some recorded teaching lessons via Oak Academy linked to the year group’s area of learning
  • Links to other educational websites (Eg. BBC Bitesize) linked to the year group’s area of learning

Pupils with Additional Needs

We continue to support pupils with SEND or pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) through our remote education programme to ensure progress continues to be made.

This is through a variety of ways:

  • Clear differentiated tasks in live or pre-recorded lessons on Google Classroom
  • A range of work/activities based on current targets
  • Live intervention sessions via Google Classroom– arranged by the SENCo/your child’s class teacher (e.g. guided reading, catch-up phonics, number work etc)
  • Virtual support (arranged by the school SENCo) with external professionals (e.g. Speech and Language)
  • Virtual TAC meetings
  • EHCP reviews carried out virtually


The attendance officer is available to support your child through the remote learning experience. ([email protected])

If you have any urgent queries regarding remote education or access to the internet/devices, please contact school or email the year group email address and we will get back to you promptly for further support.


Our robust safeguarding procedures remain in place for all children in our care.

Please see the following documents for further details:

  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Remote Education Policy
  • E-Learning policy
  • E-Learning and Home Learning Safeguarding Expectations
  • Live Lessons Expectations

Additional Resources to support Remote Education

The National Academy – For all ages
Oxford Owl – For all ages
BBC Bitesize – For all ages

Remote Learning Documents